Sculpture | Steroscopy | 3D-Illusion
Sculpture | Steroscopy | 3D-Illusion
AV-SCILLS (AudioVisual – SCulptural ILLusionS) – an artist
collective – realises performances linking New Media Art,
Fine Art and Audio Art. By means of a 3D-video, 3D-
glasses and headsets the illusion is awakened of room-
filling virtual sculptures, that one could literally enter, feel,
bump against.
Furthermore, installations composed of wall sculptures and
a panel for a 2D-video create together with electronic music
and binaural 3D-sounds amazing interdisciplinary connect-
ions between sculptures and architecture, and the feeling of
being in a city.
Artist Collective AV-SCILLS
Ulf König, Markus Fritz,
Georg Höck, Eric Koenig,
Dietmar Gruchmann, Lorenz Bee,
film consultant Sara Sand
enjoy the music, too!